Comparison of Advantages and Disadvantages: SD NAND vs. eMMC

2025-03-11 16:12:32 adfeng

Recently, we have come into contact with some customers who initially planned to use eMMC but felt that something was not quite right. After conducting in-depth discussions with them, we asked: What kind of eMMC do you really want? Their responses included:

  • The smallest eMMC

  • The easiest eMMC to solder

  • The lowest-capacity eMMC

  • The eMMC with the fewest pins

  • The lowest-power-consumption eMMC

  • The eMMC with the longest erase/write lifespan

  • The eMMC using SLC NAND wafers

  • The most stable eMMC in terms of performance

After analyzing the customers’ requirements, we found that CS SEMI SD NAND is a better fit for them.

CS SEMI SD NAND is a miniature eMMC, featuring:

  • Compact size: 6 × 8 mm

  • Optimized cost: Minimum capacity of 128MB, offering cost advantages

  • Easy soldering: 8-pin design, making assembly more convenient

  • High endurance: Built with SLC NAND wafers, supporting 100,000 erase/write cycles

  • Plug-and-play compatibility: Supports SDIO, enabling seamless integration

  • Similar architecture to eMMC: Both SD NAND and eMMC consist of an internal NAND Flash wafer, a NAND Flash controller, and firmware, making them closely related.

For more details about CS SEMI SD NAND, please refer to the following link:

What are the differences between SD NAND and eMMC?
Here, we have listed the characteristics of CS Genesis SD NAND and eMMC:

SD NAND,贴片式TF卡,贴片式SD卡,北京君正,nor flash,存储,芯片,主控,小尺寸emmc,大容量SLC Nand,语音芯片,语音识别,语音控制,语音模块,离线语音

When customers have the following requirements, choosing SD NAND may be more suitable than eMMC:

  1. Need for a smaller chip size:

    • Soldered SD card: 6 × 8 mm

    • eMMC: 11.5 × 13 mm

    To compare their size and packaging, here’s an image of the product (from left to right).

    SD NAND,贴片式TF卡,贴片式SD卡,北京君正,nor flash,存储,芯片,主控,小尺寸emmc,大容量SLC Nand,语音芯片,语音识别,语音控制,语音模块,离线语音

  2. Need for small capacity:

    • SD NAND: 128MB – 4GB

    • eMMC: Capacity ≥ 16GB

  3. Need for long endurance and durability:

    • SD NAND uses SLC NAND Flash wafer, with an erase/write cycle life of 50,000 to 100,000 cycles

    • eMMC uses MLC NAND, with an erase/write cycle life of 3,000 cycles (non-mainstream), or TLC NAND, with an erase/write cycle life of around 500 cycles (mainstream).

  4. Need for easy soldering with fewer pins:

    • SD NAND: LGA-8 package, easy for both machine and manual placement

    • eMMC: 153-ball BGA package, which significantly increases the soldering difficulty

  5. The customer's CPU does not support eMMC interface but requires large storage:
    This situation is commonly encountered in MCU platforms. In this case, CS SEMI SD NAND is the perfect choice.

  6. Need fewer PCB layers:
    Many customers create products like toys or small appliances where a 2-layer PCB is usually enough. However, using eMMC would require at least a 4-layer PCB, increasing routing difficulty and PCB cost.

When is it more appropriate to use eMMC?

  1. Larger capacity requirements:
    When the capacity needed is ≥ 8GB.

  2. The main controller supports eMMC:
    The system’s main control unit must have eMMC interface support.

  3. Adequate PCB area and more than 4 layers:
    Using eMMC requires enough space on the PCB (11.5 × 13 mm). The PCB must be at least 4 layers, and you will need to use buried/blind vias. Additionally, BGA with 153 balls and a 0.5mm pin pitch is required.

If you have any questions, please contact us

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Address: Room 1907, Block B, Zhantao Technology Building, Minzhi Street, Longhua District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China.

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